5 All Time Greatest English Poets That You Should Definitely Know About

Poets have the ability to transform words into feelings. Reading poetry makes you feel like having your
first sip of coffee on a snowy winter morning, especially when you love to read literary pieces. We
understand your connection with poetry and poets and through this listicle, we intend to help you know
about some of the greatest English poets of all times.

Charlotte Bronte

All those who love poetry must be familiar with the famous Charlotte Bronte. Her writing style was the
classic descriptive one that made use of formal tone and metaphors. Her well-known works include Life,
Regret, On the Death of Anne Bronte.

John Keats

Remember the poem ‘Beauty’ that we read in school? Yes, that one was by John Keats. Being a nature
lover, John’s works were mostly focused on appreciating nature. His popular works consist of
Nightingale, To Autumn, When I have.

William Wordsworth

When talking of poets, how can Wordsworth be forgotten? He gained popularity for his works based on
Romanticism. His famous pieces that you must read are Tintern Abbey, The Prelude, Daffodils.

William Shakespeare

The most renowned and unforgettable name in the world of literature, Shakespeare contributed ample
of sonnets and long narrative poems. Some of his best works are All the World’s a Stage, Let me not to
the marriage of true minds, Shall I Not Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day.

W.B. Yeats

One of the most famous poets of Ireland, Yeats wrote mostly about modernism and won Nobel Prize in
Literature. Some of his popular contributions are The Mother of Good, Lake Isle of Innisfree, A Poet to his
Beloved, The Second Coming.

Above-mentioned are just a few names from the lot of all time greatest English poets. The contribution that poets have done to the field of English Literature is remarkable and eternal. Their works are not just words, they are emotions that
can capture the readers’ soul.

If you enjoyed reading this article, we highly recommend this one too “The Mighty Pen/Keypad: 25 Unsung Poets Of Instagram